I know I have written short articles, so to make you extra happy this one will be a bit longer.


You probably think that I don’t like cheese and milk and other non-vegan things. Actually, I do like cheese (not milk, it stinks!). It’s really hard for me to stay away from cheese, because I really like it. Not really long ago I still ordered a vegetarian pizza with cheese. But my family (mostly my dad) helped me realize what I was doing. My dad did some research and explained to me how what I was doing was hurting the cows. (Thank you)

I didn’t know that a few hours after the birth of her child they take the baby away from the cow, so he doesn’t drink the milk that they want. The cow spends weeks calling for her baby without knowing that she will never see him again. If the baby is a male cow they will hand him over to the butcher after feeding him for a few days. If it’s a female cow she will grow up in captivity until she doesn’t produce enough milk anymore.

A lot of suffering for just some stupid cheese on a pizza that’s absolutely delicious without that stupid cheese.  

There’s a woman that writes comics for vegans in French. You can order it on

 http://www.insolente-veggie.com/english-version/(or on amazon).  

She also has a blog in French and in English. I always laugh my guts out when I read it. But I’m warning you — it can be terrifying.


Book 1: https://www.bedetheque.com/BD-Insolente-Veggie-Tome-2-L-antispecisme-c-est-pas-pour-les-chiens-294931.html

Book 2: https://www.babelio.com/livres/B-Insolente-veggie-tome-3–Mort-a-la-viande-/986902

Book 3: https://www.bedetheque.com/BD-Insolente-Veggie-Tome-1-258114.html


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