The Buddhist Chef

On this site you will find delicious vegan recepies. Like vegan pizza, guacamole, tofu scramble (my mother loves doing that it’s delicious), and far more things. We use one of those recepies for vegan pancakes. You should definitely check it out. Jean Phillip is the amazing chef

My little dog

I love my dog more than anything (except my family). Infact he’s a vegan dog. Most people think that’s weird or even impossible. Well, now you have proof ( kinda’ ). My dog is the cutest ever and i’m the luckyest person ever. This blog is going to be a Read more…

My smart dad

At home I have a video game that’s called Zelda.  It’s fun but to survive you must kill animals. I do it because I don’t want to die and because I know it’s a game. But my dad thinks otherwise. He thinks you don’t need to kill animals. First, I Read more…