At home I have a video game that’s called Zelda.  It’s fun but to survive you must kill animals. I do it because I don’t want to die and because I know it’s a game. But my dad thinks otherwise. He thinks you don’t need to kill animals. First, I thought it was impossible😁. But I saw my dad play. So of course, I did the same thing. I became vegan (in the game. I’m already vegan in real life). And it’s working out perfectly.    




My little sister is also vegan in the game and in the real world. My sister and I play very often.

I would recommend it to you. You can buy it anywhere. Oh, and, one more thing… When the game was created the  creator of the game, Miyamoto, asked the developers to make sure it would be possible to survive without eating meat and killing. I’m very grateful to those people. 


See you very, very, very soon😍 

Categories: misc


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